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Ethical Clothing Manufacturers

We strongly believe that if an employee does not love its company, then customer can never love either! Famed as India's leading high-quality private label clothing manufacturer and exporter, we are fully compliant in terms of social and ethical business practice. Billoomi Fashion® India is ethical and sustainable clothing manufacturers who emphasize on the safety, health, and well being of its people and the society at large. 

Saga of Ethical Clothing Manufacturing at Billoomi Fashion®, India​

Just because a company writes "ethical" does not mean it is ethical. The term "ethical" carries a very wide spectrum within it and when it comes to garment manufacturing industry, one should look into various aspects before arriving at any decision. We're proud that way before others even thought about, Billoomi Fashion® adopted the standards of ethical clothing manufacturing right from day one we started. Today, we're known as the most trusted ethical and sustainable clothing manufacturers in the region we operate!


Being Billoomi Fashion® as Ethical Clothing Manufacturer

Business run by people. This is well acknowledged fact that when workers have good working conditions, things that disrupt production (such as strikes, accidents, staff turnover) are reduced; a stronger, more skilled and better motivated workforce will deliver good quality products and services, productively and efficiently.

Our ethical business policy relates to working conditions and rights of the people or business involved in entire value chain. It states our standards how do we respect, treat and facilitate our employees, suppliers and contractors. It covered typically include child labour, health and safety, discrimination and living wages. We have developed and practicing the code of conduct that guides and determining how trade is conducted, with standards for business practices, working conditions and environment.


"Ethical trade is about creating confidence that your products and services aren’t made at the expense of workers’ rights. More and more companies now recognise that ethical trade is simply essential business practice." 

Ethical Trading Initiative



The Scope of Ethical Business Practice at Billoomi Fashion®

Billoomi Fashion® is one of very few private label clothing manufacturers of India who addresses the widest scope inline with The Fashion Transparency Index, which reviews and ranks global fashion and apparel brands and retailers according to how much information they disclose about their suppliers, supply chain policies and practices, and social and environmental impact. 


Our policies cover the following areas with strong conviction of "Happy Employee. Productive Employee" : 


  • Anti-bribery, corruption and presentation of false information

  • Child labour

  • Community engagement

  • Diversity and inclusion

  • Holidays, sick leave and time off

  • Living conditions/dormitories

  • Discrimination

  • Living wages and benefits (e.g. bonuses, insurance, social security, pensions)

  • Equal pay

  • Forced or bonded labour 

  • Foreign and migrant labour

  • Freedom of association, right to organise and collective bargaining

  • Grievances and whistleblowing

  • Harassment and abuse

  • Health and safety

  • Maternity rights/parental leave

  • Notice period, dismissal and disciplinary action

  • Recruitment and terms of employment 

  • Sub-contracting and outsourcing

  • Working hours



How Do We Ensure Ethical Business Manufacturing Practices at Billoomi Fashion®

Designing the policy was just the beginning of a process. We strongly believe simply having an ethical trade policy will not automatically mean its criteria are being followed. How these are implemented, managed and monitored against the stated standard is also key. 


Hence we are very open to share the following to you and world. The same is duly verified and appreciated by several national and international agencies.

  1. Employment is freely chosen : We do not force any one to work with us and anything at Billoomi Fashion®. We hire the staff through various placement agencies and referrals.

  2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected : Employees are free to associate with any group and community they feel comfortable with. Company does not impose any restriction on their ideology, choice of thought and others.

  3. Working conditions are safe and hygienic : We provide RO water supply for safe drinking water. Besides twice in a day sweepers clean the area. Twice in a month we have deep clean work. FREE on-site medical facility is provided. Installation of fire extinguishers at work places for safety from fire.  

  4. Child labour shall not be used : None of our employee is below 18 years as recommended by Govt. of India.

  5. Living wages are paid : No employee is paid less than the "minimum wages" set by the local administration body of Govt. of India. Besides that, we ensure annual pay increases to all staff and annual bonus equivalent to one month's salary.

  6. Working hours are not excessive : We have 8 hours of shift. Due to nature of work or work load, if any employee / team need to extend the shift then they're duly paid for that as per the agreement which are double of standard working hours. All employee receive 30 days annual leave.

  7. No discrimination is practiced : Discrimination based on cast, creat, religion, gender etc are not practiced ever. Employees are treated equally.

  8. Regular employment is provided : If we hire a person for full-time, then he or she will continue as full-time employee only. 

  9. No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed : Billoomi Fashion® follow ZERO TOLERANCE policy on this matter. Every person get due respect and company respects the difference if any.

  10. Open door policy with senior management team : Any employee can meet / call any time for their problem and within due course of time the same get resolved.


Ethics concern our moral judgements about right and wrong. Decisions taken within Billoomi Fashion® may be made by individuals or groups, but whoever makes are influenced by the culture of the company. Hence our focus remain to build a better culture. The decision to behave ethically is a moral one; employees and/or management must decide what they think is the right course of action. 


Adopting a code of ethics are not enough. Everything can not be written down and also it is not once done for all; rather it is an evolution process which keep updated time and again. 


At Billoomi Fashion®, in case any area is not covered in our documented scope then we do a quick "ethics check" when necessary. If we're not sure whether a decision or action would be ethical, better we ask:

  • Is it legal? Would I be violating federal, state or municipal law?

  • Is it in accordance with company policy?

  • Is it fair? Would anyone lose out?

  • Would I be proud of my action? How would I feel if my family and friends read about it on the front page of the newspaper?

  • How would our customers react? Would they be more inclined to trust us, or feel cheated or betrayed?


If you belong to garment industry and want to contribute to our initiatives, you are more than welcome to reach out to us. We welcome you and everyone to share valuable inputs to make Billoomi Fashion® as better place to work for employee, the most admired company for customers and the most valuable organisation on earth.

Contact us to speak more on this!

KIND ATTENTION! (कृपया ध्यान दें!)

We kindly request that India-based businesses seeking supply within India do not contact us. As a 100% export company, we do not supply within India. Thank you for your understanding.

(अगर आप एक इंडियन बिजनेस हैं और इंडिया में हीं अपने सामान की डिलीवरी चाहते हैं, तो हमसे संपर्क नहीं करें। हमारी कंपनी सिर्फ निर्यात संबंधित ऑर्डर ही स्वीकार करती है।)

Sustainable Clothing Manufacturer

No part of this website ( should be reproduced, copied or distributed by any means without prior permission from Billoomi Fashion Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, India. All product images / collection shown on this website are the property of their respective owners. In case any query, write to our management team : (⚠️🚫This email ID is not for placing your sampling / production related enquiry). For sampling / production related enquiry please CLICK HERE to contact us.

Quality Credential
APEC-Member Billoomi Fashion
Sedex Member mark
Sedex Audited Garment Factory
Govt of India Registered Apparel Manufacturer
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